Executives and top management recognize the importance of the supply chain function.

This creates an opportunity for CSCOs to drive strategic value in their roles. Today, individuals and boardrooms generally understand what a supply chain does.

Evolution of Supply chain 

To say that the supply chain became more visible during the pandemic is an understatement. Before, this tool was only about business activity, sales activity, M&A activity. In other words, before people had no knowledge of CSCO and supply chain professionals who were doing great things, and those who weren’t were seen either.

Nowadays,because of its new evolution,  CSCOs should push the strategic value in their roles. They also need to show how a transparent, end-to-end supply chain will result in reaching customers faster and showing those customers how items are sourced.

A role dedicated to supply chain management

The role of the CSCO depends on the industry to which it is directed. Also, a CSCO is more likely to explicitly focus on the supply chain, not anything else.

Before, there was the frequency of having supply chain officers in organizations, but the reality was that it was only the head of logistics or the head of warehousing and they also had the title of supply chain officer, but they were not managing. 

About this, a study of the EY Future Consumer Index determined that 45% of consumers say that delivery availability has become more important to guide purchases. The report also found that expensive (44%) and slow (29%) deliveries are among the top consumer frustrations with online shopping. In other words, there is a strong omnichannel presence that can be driven by a strong supply chain.

The talent pipeline of CSCOs

In addition to this, it will be crucial to target the next generation of supply chain professionals to eventually assume a C-suite role, universities have focused on introducing students to high-level technologies that they are likely to find in the real world. . Especially due to the adoption and use of technologies.

Currently, students are already learning about additional topics such as artificial intelligence, deep learning, and machine learning, which will allow optimizing a much more robust predictive analysis instead of a descriptive analysis.


Source: SupplyChainDive