The logistics industry is currently plagued with waste and under utilization of assets. Empty miles are a pervasive problem; some estimates of the number of trucks driving empty are as high as 40 percent

Collaboration in Action

The Alliance of Business Partners is a leadership alliance of business partners that exists to develop a shared manufacturer or retailer agenda in key industry issues that directly affect the efficiency and sustainability of the supply chain.

In order to be able to relieve the truck capacity challenge, TPA Supply Chain Executive Council members sought to reduce empty miles using FourKites’ Lane Connect platform to identify and take advantage of shared lanes between operations partners.

One of the first opportunities identified for collaboration was between members of TPA Land O’Lakes. and one of the largest grocery distributors in the country, whose private fleet was able to pick up backhaul for Land O’Lakes between Ohio and Tennessee. Eventually these collapses came out successfully. 

What is Lane Content?

Lane Connect, basically analyzes historical lane patterns to eliminate empty miles in supply chain for loaders, carriers and brokers. With Lane Connect, companies across the logistics ecosystem can maximize efficiency, sustainability and productivity in their supply chains.

Getting started by:

  • Opt In
  • Provide Data
  • Analyze your Internal Network
  • Invite Partners
  • Identify Overlapping Lanes


Source: FourKites